Conozca a los profesionales que hay detrás de nuestra marca
Detrás de nuesta marca, hay un gran equipo formado por profesionales en el ámbito de la odontología, con amplia experiencia en el cuidado de tu sonrisa. Para nosotros, el paciente es lo primero. Por ello, desde Clínica Dental Triple A ofrecemos el mejor servicio odontológico que puedas imaginar, con el apoyo en materiales e instalaciones de última generación.
Los profesionales de Clínica Dental Triple A están especializados en las técnicas dentales más demandadas e innovadoras del sector. Te presentamos a los profesionales que forman nuestro equipo:
Dra. Adriana de la Torre Sánchez
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.
Write a few words about the skills of every team member. Describe their academic training and relevant experience. You can also add information about their hobbies and passions.